do you have any recommendations for me about 意味

  • ~について何かお勧めの考え[アイデア]はありますか?


        do you have any advice to give to:    ~に何か助言{じょげん}[アドバイス]はありますか?
        do you have any other children besides:    (人)以外{いがい}に[のほかに]お子さんはいらっしゃいますか?
        do you hear me:     Do you héar (me)? 私の言うことを聞いて(わかって)いますか;よく聞くんだよ《◆注意を促す表現;?|他|1 》.
        do you want me to:    ~してほしいですか?、~しましょうか? Do you want me to come? 私がそちらへ行きましょうか? Do you want me to help? Do you want me to kiss you? Do you want me to be honest? Do you want me to come along?
        let's you and me do:    〈話〉一緒{いっしょ}に~しよう◆勧誘する際の表現として用いられる
        do you have other considerations about:    ~について他に考慮{こうりょ}すべきことはありますか?
        you have got me there:     You háve (gót) me thère. ((略式)) (1) その点で君に負けたよ[君の言うとおりだよ] (?19 ). (2) 知りません;(何と言って[答えて]いいのか)わかりません.
        you have me there:     You have [have got] me there. ?have 【動】
        not do you any harm:    ~しても損はしない
        do you mean to tell me that:    あなたは私に(that 以下)と言うつもりですか?
        let me ask you about:    ~についてお伺いしたいのですが
        have nothing to do with me:    私には関係がない
        if you have any trouble:    何かお困りでしたら
        can you think of any way for me to:    私はどうしたら~できると思いますか?◆アドバイスを求めて
        do you have the time:    今何時ですか◆【注意】「時間がありますか?」= Do you have time?


  1. "do you have any particular purpose in mind" 意味
  2. "do you have any personal work plan for the future" 意味
  3. "do you have any physical disabilities" 意味
  4. "do you have any previous experience with computers" 意味
  5. "do you have any real plans" 意味
  6. "do you have any regrets about it" 意味
  7. "do you have any remark to make on…" 意味
  8. "do you have any small change for the fare" 意味
  9. "do you have any tacks to attach it to the wall with" 意味
  10. "do you have any previous experience with computers" 意味
  11. "do you have any real plans" 意味
  12. "do you have any regrets about it" 意味
  13. "do you have any remark to make on…" 意味

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